Petition to support small hydro schemes

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Save Community Hydro Stations

Dear Ministers & MPs

I am shocked to learn that the Natural and Built Environments Bill (which is intended to replace the RMA) proposes to truncate consent rights for 40 small New Zealand hydro schemes around New Zealand from Wairua Falls in Northland to Monowai in Fiordland. Other affected small and community hydro schemes include:

  • the Lake Rochfort hydro scheme which can provide sufficient power for Westport,
  • the Turnbull Hydro Scheme provides Haast only power.
  • the Amethyst river scheme which powers Harihari
  • the Onehaka scheme in Golden Bay These small Hydro schemes enhance energy security for our remote rural communities. It is unfair and irrational to provide exemptions for the major power schemes (so they have 35 year consents) yet limit consent for smaller schemes to just 10 years, especially when these assets are typically designed for a 100year plus use. Please extend the exemption to all existing hydro schemes, ensure a level playing field and help empower local communities to become self-sufficient. Many strongly regret the inexplicable decision to decommission Marsden Point, to import poor quality Indonesian coal and other recent actions that reduce our energy security. Please listen and support, rather than undermine, energy security of our remote communities on the West Coast, Golden Bay and elsewhere in New Zealand and extend consent rights for small hydro schemes on the same basis as big schemes .

%%your signature%%

This petition is prepared by Sue Grey Co-Leader NZ Outdoors and Freedom Party in consultation with affected West Coasters.
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